Melody of Life
Melody of Life is a 360° animated short developed in Spring of 2017 at the Carnegie Mellon University Entertainment Technology Center. In response to a prompt to use toys to tell a story about cultural connectedness through music and dance, I and the five other Masters students comprising Ripieno Animation Studio designed and developed this piece in 15 weeks.
We were sensitive to the fact that we were not experts in the cultures represented here, so we recruited expert musicians and dancers from each culture and style to consult on everything from character design to composition. By the end of the semester, we had worked with 13 musicians, 4 dancers, and a motion capture studio, effectively tripling our team’s size.
As the sound designer, I provided all the foley, music, and sound in the film (basically everything audible). I also organized and recorded all of the musicians as well as mixed it into the VR space via a homebrewed positional sound system.
For more information on our design process, please see our website and the development blog written by our producer.